Quotes of
the Week:
New 10/31
New 10/31
Ten Things
Players who watch the man with the ball leaves them totally unprepared for
the next move, which is always dictated by a player without the ball.
New 10/23
What's Happening
for JP Soccer
Week of October 28th
Monday: Hawks vs Middlesex - HOME
Senior Night 6:10 pm
Match 6:30 pm
GMC JV Tournament
JV Hawks vs North Brunswick - Away
Match 4:00 pm
Training 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday: Hawks vs Cranford - Away
JV & Varsity Match 4:00 pm
Thursday: Training 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Friday: Training 9:00 -11:00 am
Saturday: Training 8:00 -10:00 am
2024 JP Soccer Schedule